Samuel Perea-Díaz and Jona Wolf: Transitory Sonic Bodies

04 – 07 FEB.
VERNISSAGE 11TH FEB 18:00 – 22:00
This installation focuses on the state of matter and highlights moments of the transformation process. In that way, unstable forms resonate and vibrate while emphasizing particular moments of the process of sculpting and sonifying. This event is an ongoing dialogical process between both artists working with sound and spatial design. In that way, the show reveals one specific moment within this artistic research exploration. The objects presented in the gallery are from different materials with very distinct masses and volumes combined with embedded speakers that activate the sculpture through audible forms—resembling that the sound is triggered, amplified, swallowed, and transformed into movement depending on the material.
About the artists:
Samuel Perea-Díaz is an artist and designer living and working in Berlin. Along with architecture and spatial design, their practice incorporates exhibition scenography, curating and sound. Samuel often works with field-recording and generative sound to produce site-specific installations and situated-sound objects.
Jona Wolf is a researcher, designer and visual artist. Jona works on interdisciplinary projects ranging from spatial installations to product design. Jona’s projects combine digital fabrication methods and traditional materials such as clay, wood, fabric or metal. These physical installations and objects are connected to an ongoing research and interest in performance and sound.
All events have free entry, 2G+ and safe distancing rules apply. All visitors must have received a booster vaccination no less than 14 days before entry OR present a negative test from the last 24 hours. We ask that you present documentation of this upon entry, wear your mask indoors at all times and please follow the instructions posted in the gallery and given by our volunteers to keep all attendees safe. Thank you
* SoundsAbout is a cooperation between the Master’s program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the University Berlin and the gallery Zwitschermaschine, offering a project space to present and discuss, question and celebrate the work and ideas of our students and their guests for three months every year.