Eröffnung: Fr. 08.07.2016 – 19 Uhr
Ausstellung: 09.07.2016 – 17.07.2016 – Mi-Fr 14-19 Uhr, Sa 13-17 Uhr u.n.V.
We are trying to escape from rules and orders. Looking for the emergency exit. The exit is clearly marked. Please follow the instructions in case of your escape from the system. Thank you for your understanding.
The exhibition of the three artists is part of the project Ekvalizator – a series of collaboration of young artists from Berlin and Central East Europe. The second part of this third meeting will be a workshop from 09.-13.07.2016 dealing with the concept of “Festivities” in cooperation with activists from the neighbouring social housing project Pallasseum.
Deana Kolenčíková (1990) is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia. She also studied at the Nottingham Trent University in England as well as at the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna. She has been using different mediums in her work especially photography, installation, interventions or performance. She focuses on absurdity, everyday life and ironically looks at things that the political and social system brings us.
Sarah Sperling (1988) studied photography at Neue Schule für Fotografie in Berlin. Her work focuses on optical phenomena and their perception in daily live. Using experiments with various technical materials, she likes to find visual horsd‘œuvre and present them as photographs and installations. Sarah Sperling lives in Berlin.
„Die junge Fotografin macht vor, worauf es ankommt: Genau hinsehen, das richtige Licht und der richtige Ausschnitt. Ihre Fotografien sind eine Wohltat der Reduktion auf das Wesentliche.“Christoph Moderegger
Vladimír Turner (1986) graduated from the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU) in audiovisual studies, then he studied at the Studio of Intermedia Confrontation at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. He has been to study stays in Buenos Aires, Valencia, Brisbane or Rotterdam. In his works, he oscillates between documentary film, art in public space and activism. He does not perceive these fields as divided, trying to combine them within a whole he labels as active civic life. His works from around the world can be seen in the streets, on film screens and in galleries.
EKVALIZATOR wird unterstützt vom Deutsch-Tschechischen Zukunftsfonds und vom QM Schöneberger Norden: